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1. Jing Li, Chi-Hui Wu (2023, Jun.). Determinants of Learners’ Self-Directed Learning and Online Learning Attitudes in Online Learning. Sustainability, 15(12), 9381. 本人为第一作者,SSCI

2. Jing Li, Chi-Jen Chuang, Chi-Hui Wu (2023, April). Determinants of Learners' Self-directed Learning and On-line Learning Attitudes in On-line Learning. The 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023), Pages 1–8, Prague, Czech. 本人为第一作者,EI Compendex

3. Chi-Hui Wu, Jing Li, Chao-Yu Chen (2023, April). Using Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis to Explore the Decisive Factors of Charismatic Leadership. The 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and Business (FEMIB 2023), Pages 1–12, Prague, Czech. 本人为通讯作者,入选最佳论文奖,EI Compendex

4. 论文《大学在线音乐教学学习行为之影响因素》发表于《技职教育学刊》5,128-157。 本人为通讯作者

5. Jing Li, Chi-Hui Wu, Chien-Wen Chen, Yi-Fen Huang, Ching-Torng Lin, 2020. Apply Fuzzy DEMATEL to Explore the Decisive Factors of the Auto Lighting Aftermarket Industry in Taiwan. Mathematics, 8(7), 1187-1213. 本人为第一作者,SCI

6. Jing Li, Ju-Tai Lin, Chi-Hui Wu (2020, Jun). Deterministic Factors Influencing Learners' Online Learning Behaviors by Applying IT-assisted Music Curriculum.

7. ICMET '20: Proceedings of the 2020 2nd International Conference on Modern Educational Technology May 2020 Pages 58–68 https://doi.org/10.1145/3401861.3401874

8. 本人为第一作者,EI Compendex

9. Jing Li, Fang-Jie Shiu, Hsiu-Chin Huang (2020, May). Deterministic Factors Influencing Learners' Learning Behaviors and Outcomes by Applying Information Technology-assisted Music Curriculum. The 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020), Pages 327–335, Prague, Czech. 本人为第一作者,获中国台湾科技部补助,EI Compendex

10. Jing Li, Chien-Wen Chen, Chi-Hui Wu, Hsing-Chun Hung, Ching-Torng Lin (2020, Apr.). How do Partners Benefit from IT Use in Supply-Chain Management: An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Bicycle Industry. Sustainability, 12(7), p1-24. 本人为第一作者,SSCI

11. Jing Li, Chia-Chien Hsu, Ching-Torng Lin (2019, Sep.). Leisure participation behavior and psychological well-being of elderly adults: empirical study of Tai Chi Chuan in China. International Journal of environmental research and public health, 16(18), p3387-3406. 本人为第一作者,SSCI

12. Jing Li, Chi-Hui Wu, Tung-Lung Lin, Reed-Joe Chang (2019, May). Determinants affecting learners behaviour in music education applying information technology. The 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), Pages 424–431, Heraklion,Crete, Greece. 本人为第一作者,EI Compendex

13. 论文《技术创新能力之决定性因子》发表于《中国台湾中科大学报》5(1), 21-48。本人为通讯作者 本人为通讯作者,荣获中国台湾最佳论文奖。


1. 人文社会科学科研项目《美容业高级人才音乐素养与审美实践培养》

2. 项目主持人

3. 天津师范大学哲学社会科学研究科研评价体系改革专题项目《提升科技创新能力之决定性因素》项目主持人

4. 天津教育科学“十五”规划重点课题——“利用现代教育技术建构艺术课程途径与方法研究”子课题“台湾音乐教育方法研究”其中论文《以艺术与人文的教育促进学生全面发展——谈台湾的艺术与人文课》项目主持人“2005年中国教育研究优秀论文一等奖”,本人被评为“2005年中国杰出教育研究者”。


1.  2023年入选最佳论文奖:The 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and Business (FEMIB 2023)。

2.  2020年获中国台湾科技部学术研究补助:Deterministic Factors Influencing Learners' Learning Behaviors and Outcomes by Applying Information Technology-assisted Music Curriculum。

3.  2018年获中国台湾科技部学术研究补助:Using Fuzzy-DEMATEL method to explore decisive factors in after market of auto lighting industry

4.  2018年荣获中国台湾最佳论文奖:2018中华创新管理学会学术与实务研讨会

